Behavior Modification Package: A transformational journey of behavior modification transcended into soul purpose.
EVOLVE is an 8-week transformational journey of behavior modification transcended into soul purpose for both animal and human. This package is designed for deep rooted behavioral issues that your animal is exhibiting between six months to many years. Often, these behavioral issues arise from a life transition, such as, a move, extended travel, separation or divorce, birth of a child, a new pet, and any other transition, catastrophic or otherwise. We may need to delve deep into past life trauma to discover the root of the issue with your beloved animal and clear the path for a new way of living in this lifetime. Sometimes, unwanted behavior goes hand in hand with underlying physical issues. We will tackle this together with a mind-body-soul wellness plan. I know you, you’ve tried everything; taking your animal to the vet, attempting to give discipline yourself, seeking out a behaviorist and maybe even putting your animal on western and/or eastern medicine along with other healing modalities. Maybe these tactics have helped a little bit, for a short time, or not at all. You’re exhausted, you’ve run out of options and ideas and here you are. I’m glad you came. I am here to help you and your beloved animal heal and transcend this unwanted behavior into what’s desired; a soul filled purpose.
What you will get:
Animal Communication Consultations
Physical examinations by use of energy testing in the body.
One-on-one coaching
8-week access to me via email. I am with you every step of the way.
Action Plans
Tips to communicate with your animal at home.
Personalized intuitive crystal grid tailored to your animal.
After the journey results:
You and your beloved animal will have transformed your relationship with one another.
You will gain a soul level understanding and journey together in harmony, trusting you are both on the same page.
You will gain tangible action steps toward optimum healing and comfort during this time with a mind-body-soul wellness plan.
You will get expert coaching on how to stay consistent and aligned in working the action plans with your animal.
You will gain consistent momentum and tangible results of behavior modification in your beloved animal.
You will have clarity on your beloved animal’s soul purpose and concrete action steps on how to support them in living this out.